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Phone : 061 231231 / International : +353 1 8457034
As drivers leave at various times throughout the day to cover different areas, it may be too late by the time your order is received - if this is the case, we will deliver the following day.
Specified delivery times are not guaranteed.
We deliver across Ireland daily - Monday to Saturday (except for public holidays).
Our delivery service is complemented by our florist network of members should this be required.
Deliveries charges will be added to the product price once you purchase.
Any supplementary charges for delivery to remote locations will be made known to you prior to delivery so you can be sure that there are no hidden fees.
The notification for surcharges will first be made through telephone and then via email if the first attempt proves to be unsuccessful. It is essential for customers placing orders through the Internet to input the correct details since you will be receiving an automated receipt.
Please keep this receipt since it will be used in the event that queries about the order arise. A member of our team will then be confirming the order you had placed.
Should the recipient be absent during the time of delivery, we will take any of these measures:
If you enquiry is about an order please quote your order reference number Our Business hours are 09.00 - 18.00 GMT Monday - Friday and 09.00 - 16.00 GMT Saturday
Available Monday to Friday 09.00 - 18.00 GMT and 09.00 - 16.00 GMT Saturday (answer phone service available outside these hours)
Inside Ire 061 518402 Outside 00 353 61 518402
All purchases are covered by our guarantee
In the unlikely event you have a complaint please contact us by email or telephone quoting your order number
Our aim is to resolve all complaints within 7 days