Showing 1 - 0 of 10 item(s)





Prestigious red Roses sprinkled with diamante and beautifully presented in an elegant clear glass vase. Absolutely stunning





Go for WOW and make a real impression with this luxurious Valentine's bouquet. A dozen red Roses impeccably presented. A real statement piece.

My Darling


My Darling


A luxurious Valentine's bouquet featuring pink Roses, complemented perfectly by deep red velvety Germini. Striking Aspidistra and Aralia leaves complete this exquisite arrangement.





Elegant and stunning in design, this Valentine's Day Rose bouquet features striking Palm and Aspidistra leaves.





Quite simply a beautiful hand-tied bouquet of 12 gorgeous red Roses, aqua packed for freshness.

Crazy in Love


Crazy in Love


A vibrant and totally gorgeous Valentines gift vase arrangement. Rich Red roses sit perfectly alongside bright green Bloom Chrysanthemums, striking purple Veronica and Tulips. A bright and gloriously colourful flower combination.





Simply beautiful pink Roses and Lilies exquisitely arranged and perfectly presented. Treat your Valentine with this gorgeous bouquet.

Today, Tomorrow, Forever


Quite simply 6 gorgeous, velvety red Roses in a high gloss, black flower gift vase. A stunning Valentine's Day gift.

Ma Cheri

€39,95 €44,95

Ma Cheri

€39,95 €44,95

A striking Valentine's flower gift vase arrangement of perfectly pink Tulips exquisitely combined with Palm and Aralia leaves. Decorated with a red velvet heart, it's an ideal Valentine's flower gift.

Only You


Only You


Stunning in design, this Valentine's Day flower bouquet features striking pink Lilies, regal purple Tulips and deep red, velvety Carnations. Aqua packed for freshness and ready to display.