Take a moment to read Abbey Flowers Privacy Policy


The Privacy Policy describes what happens to the information which you supply to us where that information is personal data i.e. data which can be used to identify you, for example, your name and address. It also describes what happens to any personal data which you choose to supply to us about third parties. We reserve the right to change the terms of this Privacy Policy from time to time.


1. What information do we hold about you and how is it collected?

If you have bought something from us, we will have your email address, address and phone number. If you choose to deliver items to a third party (such as a friend) we will have their name and address. Your credit card details are not held by us, but will be held on the Securetrading secure server (see Transaction Security).


You may also, optionally, decide to receive our 'Newsletter' which may include Special Offers. You can opt out of this at any time either by sending us an email at info@flowerydays.com and type 'UNSUBSCRIBE' on the Subject line, or by clicking onto the 'UNSUBSCRIBE' Box in any email we send you.


We also maintain an order history of your purchases. This allows us to review your past purchases. If you click onto the 'Recommend to a Friend' Button and send an email to one or more friends, this information (including their email addresses) will not be captured or held on our server. In common with many other online services, we may use "cookies" to store and sometimes to track information about you. A cookie is a small amount of data sent from the server which is stored on your PC's hard drive. You can ask your browser to show you where the cookie has been set up and, if you wish, you may also set your browser to refuse cookies. Some of the services which we provide, however, may depend on the presence of a cookie and, if you choose to reject our cookie, certain online features may not be available to you.


2. What do we do with the personal information which we collect?

We use the information you have given us to:



  1. Process and deliver your order. This means that we may have to disclose some of your information to our suppliers (e.g. our delivery suppliers) to help complete your order.
  2. Allow us to review the history of your past purchases.
  3. Send you an occasional 'Newsletter' from Gonedigging and from other websites operated by Signature Gifts Ltd, but only if you have consented to this. If you no longer wish to receive these, simply send us an email at info@flowerydays.com, and type 'UNSUBSCRIBE' on the Subject line, or by clicking onto the ‘UNSUBSCRIBE’ Box in any email we send you.
  4. Carry out market and product analysis to help us review, develop and improve the service which we offer to you. All of the information described above will be stored in our user database (unless you notify us that you no longer wish us to retain such data, in which case all your contact details and information that may identify you will be deleted). In supplying us with your personal information, you agree that we may transfer that information (to the extent that it is still held on our database at the relevant time) to a third party who acquires all or substantially all of Abbey Flowers assets or stock, or our website services, whether by merger, acquisition, reorganisation or otherwise.



3. What are your choices?

By law, you are entitled to:



  1. Receive, upon payment of a fee, a copy of any personal information about you which we hold; and
  2. Require the rectification, erasure or blocking of any of your personal information which is inaccurate or not up to date held by Abbey Flowers. Each time that we send you a 'Newsletter', we also give you the opportunity to 'UNSUBSCRIBE' to it. You also have the option of sending us an email at info@flowerydays.com and type 'UNSUBSCRIBE' on the Subject line.



4. When does this Privacy Policy not apply?

This Privacy Policy only applies to the collection and use of data by Abbey Flowers. It does not cover third party sites to which we may provide links (like RealEx Payments who manage our secure online payment systems for us) nor does it cover advertisers and content partners within our service who may also collect your personal information. They may have their own privacy policies.


5. Contacting Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal information then please email us at info@flowerydays.com, or write to us at:


Abbey Flowers
Berkeley Street
Dublin 7