Showing 1 - 24 of 136 item(s)

Pastel Pink Bouquet

€42,95 €49,95

Pastel Pink Bouquet

€42,95 €49,95

Our expert florists will personally create your bouquet using the finest pink gerbera, rose and pastel coloured flowers.

Ice Cream Sundae


Ice Cream Sundae


A classic bouquet of pink Roses, Germini and spray Chrysanthemums.





A seductive collection of flowers starring deep velvet Roses and fragrant Lilies. This is bound to capture anyone's heart.

Lillies, Rose & Gerbera


A show-off aqua pack hand-tied of pink Lilies, pale pink Roses and Germini.

Wicked Yellow

€29,95 €39,95

Wicked Yellow

€29,95 €39,95

Yellow Chrysanthemums fight for the lead with Germini and scented Freesia. The bold blue Eryngium contrasts beautifully with the yellow flowers in this bouquet.


€29,95 €39,95


€29,95 €39,95

Yellow Lilies and Gerbera with white bloom Chrysanthemum and Roses. Purity at its best

Top Mixed Tulips

€34,95 €39,95

Top Mixed Tulips

€34,95 €39,95

A delicate soft shades Bouquet of Tulips, fragrant Freesia, Carnations and a soft pink Rose. The jug is not included.


€37,95 €43,95


€37,95 €43,95

A delicate soft shades Bouquet of Tulips, fragrant Freesia, Carnations and a soft pink Rose. The jug is not included.

Cheer Up

€29,95 €39,95

Cheer Up

€29,95 €39,95

Vibrant shades of cerise pink and vibrant orange, this cheerful bouquet of gerberas, chrysanthemums and lime green hypericum berries is a deservedly popular choice.

Sea Breeze

€34,95 €39,95

Sea Breeze

€34,95 €39,95

This appealing bouquet features white Lilies, Roses and Chrysanthemums, highlighted with blue Agapanthus and lovely fresh greenery.

Just For You !

€39,95 €44,95

Just For You !

€39,95 €44,95

This lovely bouquet is the height of beauty. A lovingly crafted bouquet of red carnations, pink germini, purple trachelium and white chrysanthemum.

Valentine's Special Bouquet


One of our most popular bouquet this year. This pink aqua packed hand-tied is a perfect gift to surprise your loved one. These fresh flowers include star gazer lilies, pink roses and pink gerberas.





Add a Balloon to you order.





Elegant and stunning in design, this Valentine's Day Rose bouquet features striking Palm and Aspidistra leaves.

Natural Beauty


Natural Beauty


Send your love with this attractive pink Rose and Carnation aqua pack bouquet. Arranged by a florist for immediate display. Freesias and Ranunculas.

Classic Beauty


Classic Beauty


An exquisitely designed bouquet. Delicate soft pink Germini and Carnations are neatly nestled alongside beautiful pink Tulips and Roses. Deep velvet red Carnations and Germini perfect the splendour of this bouquet.





Clear Glass Flower Vase

Teddy Bear


Teddy Bear


Add this cuddly teddy bear to your gift.





Inflated Mylar Balloon available for many occasions. Please select balloon type from the list to the right.





Compliment your flower delivery with a box of handmade milk chocolates made with the finest natural ingredients.

Atomic Tangerine


Atomic Tangerine


Orange Roses, Carnations and Germini set against green bloom Chrysanthemum. This stunning arrangement is placed in a cream bag for an ideal gift for somebody special.

The Bold Bouquet


The Bold Bouquet


Yellow Chrysanthemums fight for the lead with Germini and scented Freesia. The bold blue Eryngium contrasts beautifully with the yellow flowers in this bouquet.

Exceptional Beauty


Moody green Anthuriums bring a touch of the exotic to this mainly white bouquet.

Classic Hand-tied


Blue and yellow are the Marie Curie brand colours. This stunning hand-tied bouquet features yellow Roses which symbolize care and friendship. A donation is made to Marie Curie with every order.

Showing 1 - 24 of 136 item(s)