Showing 73 - 96 of 136 item(s)

Pink Lullaby


Pink Lullaby


A pretty pink and cream hand-tied bouquet featuring Roses, Carnations, spray Carnations and spray Chrysanthemums. A perfect gift to welcome a baby girl. Delivered in an aqua pack presentation bag

Pink Bundle of Joy


Send your congratulations and welcome the birth of a baby girl with a beautiful basket arrangement, perfect for delivery to a hospital. Contains Roses, Lisianthus, spray Carnations and Gerbera.

Blue Lullaby


Blue Lullaby


A perfect welcome for the birth of a baby boy. This beautiful hand-tied bouquet features Roses, fragrant Freesia, bloom Chrysanthemums and Aster. Delivered in an aqua pack presentation bag.

Blue Bundle of Joy


Send your congratulations with this beautiful basket arrangement, perfect for a delivery to a hospital. Containing Roses, Lisianthus, fragrant Freesia and spray Chrysanthemums.





Delicate pink Roses, Lisianthus and Lilies take centre stage in this pretty vase arrangement, complemented by bright pink Germini and pale pink Carnations.

Vivacious Vase


Vivacious Vase


A bright and cheerful arrangement featuring Roses, Gerbera and Lisianthus in a vase for easy care.

Simply Scented


Simply Scented


A fragrant delight of country style flowers, including white Roses, Orchids, Freesias and pink Carnations delivered in a basket





A compact arrangement of pink Roses, Germini, Chrysanthemums and Carnations.

Golden Sunshine Hand-tied


All the golds and yellows of Chrysanthemums, Lilies and Carnations with bright white frilly Carnations.

Warm Glow


Warm Glow


Peach Gerbera stand out in this bouquet closely followed by Roses and all backed up by Carnations and muted Chrysanthemums.

Sea Breeze

€34,95 €39,50

Sea Breeze

€34,95 €39,50

This appealing bouquet features white Lilies, Roses and Chrysanthemums, highlighted with blue Agapanthus and Eryngium





Pale and interesting? A white and cream basket arrangement of Roses, Germini, Carnations and Chrysanthemums.





Pure and innocent: simply white Roses and Freesia with pretty looped grass.

Memory Lane


Memory Lane


Lavender Roses and pink Lilies make this arrangement beautifully soft and gentle.





A classic basket is given a modern twist with groups of pink Lilies, mauve Roses, spray Carnations and purple Liatris





Delight the senses with this fantastically vibrant and fragrant bouquet. Orange Germini, cerise Roses and Carnations have been perfectly married with gorgeous green Santini and Cobra Lilies.

Rose & Carnation Delight


An appealing aqua pack hand-tied of pink Roses, Carnations and Eucalyptus. A classic favourite

Striking Hand-tied


Shades of yellow Roses, Gerbera and Carnations mingle with purple Lisianthus and Statice for a bold effect in this luscious aqua pack.

Citrus Blast


Citrus Blast


A warm and zesty mix of orange Germini and spray Chrysanthemum circled with delicate Salal. This arrangement is complemented beautifully by its green ceramic pot.





A simply gorgeous mix of pink Gerbera, orange Roses, purple Lisianthus and green Chrysanthemum, combine to form a vibrant bouquet that will brighten any room.

Peach Blush


Peach Blush


Peach Roses and Lilies are the heroes of this aqua pack hand-tied.

Simply Pinks


Simply Pinks


Lilies are the stars of this bouquet supported by a cast of Roses, spray Chrysanthemums, Antirrhinums and Carnations





Say 'I love you' with this magnificent display of red Roses, with a touch of Diamante sparkle.

Because She's Worth It!


This statement aqua pack hand-tied is full of pearl-pinned Roses and Calla Lilies, whilst Carnations and Oriental Lilies add to the volume and texture.

Showing 73 - 96 of 136 item(s)